 'Another Lump' Submitted: 25-05-2009 |  '' Submitted: 27-04-2009 |  '1st double an new pb' Submitted: 13-03-2009 |  'Second double in as ...' Submitted: 11-03-2009 |
 'First Double' Submitted: 28-02-2009 |  'Mild Evening Barbel' Submitted: 19-11-2008 |  'Autumn Twins' Submitted: 01-11-2008 |  'EARLY MORNING BARBEL' Submitted: 31-10-2008 |
 'new pb?' Submitted: 23-10-2008 |  'floodwater barbel' Submitted: 08-10-2008 |  'Rich P' Submitted: 21-09-2008 |  '3rd of session' Submitted: 18-08-2008 |
 '2nd of session' Submitted: 18-08-2008 |  '1st of session' Submitted: 18-08-2008 |  'Perfection in minatu...' Submitted: 06-08-2008 |  'another goyt bullet' Submitted: 14-07-2008 |
 '2nd of the day ' Submitted: 11-07-2008 |  '2 barbel in 3 hours ...' Submitted: 11-07-2008 |  'Rich's 2nd barbel of...' Submitted: 01-07-2008 |  'first of the season' Submitted: 30-06-2008 |