 'My first of the seas...' Submitted: 23-06-2008 |  'Paul Bennett with th...' Submitted: 12-04-2008 |  'first barbel 10lb 4o...' Submitted: 15-03-2008 |  'first of new year' Submitted: 09-02-2008 |
 'Goyt fatty' Submitted: 28-01-2008 |  '11lb 5oz' Submitted: 21-01-2008 |  'Last Bertie of 2007' Submitted: 31-12-2007 |  '"hunchy" returns' Submitted: 15-11-2007 |
 'Rich's new pb' Submitted: 31-10-2007 |  'sunday night 9lb 7 o...' Submitted: 21-10-2007 |  '"huntchy"' Submitted: 21-10-2007 |  'spinal deformity' Submitted: 13-10-2007 |
 '2nd ever goyt barbel...' Submitted: 07-10-2007 |  'first ever goyt barb...' Submitted: 07-10-2007 |  'goyt barbel' Submitted: 03-10-2007 |  'Lovely Goyt barbel' Submitted: 08-09-2007 |
 'first goyt barbel' Submitted: 31-08-2007 |  'Just in time' Submitted: 20-08-2007 |  'river goyt barbel' Submitted: 19-08-2007 |  'Rich's new pb' Submitted: 13-08-2007 |