 'Dove ' Caught: July 2019 | Bristol Avon
 'Bristol Avon 12lb' Caught: August 2019 | Nene
 'Peterborough Nene ' Caught: August 2019 | Nene
 'Peterborough Nene' Caught: August 2019 |
 'Andy Peckitt' Caught: August 2019 | Upper Trent
 '11.12 upper Trent.' Caught: July 2019 | Upper Trent
 'A pristine Upper Tr...' Caught: July 2019 | Aire
 'A1 Trent' Caught: June 2019 |
 'A1 Trent' Caught: June 2019 | Trent
 'River Trent' Caught: June 2019 | Upper Trent
 '12.4 upper trent' Caught: January 2019 | Wharfe
 '' Caught: June 2019 |
Yorkshire Ouse
 '11lb 3oz Yorkshire O...' Caught: June 2019 | Yorkshire Ouse
 '11lb 3oz Yorkshire O...' Caught: June 2019 | Nidd
 'First Barbel out of ...' Caught: June 2019 | Upper Trent
 'First of the season,...' Caught: June 2019 |
Warks Avon
 'Dave Kaczur' Caught: June 2019 | Severn
 'End of season beauty...' Caught: January 2019 | Thames
 'John Llewelyn - 20lb...' Caught: February 2019 | Hampshire Avon
 'Pete Reading with th...' Caught: March 2019 |