 '' Caught: July 2014 | Dove
 'beasthunter.morg' Caught: July 2014 | Tidal Trent
 'first 1 of the seaso...' Caught: July 2014 | Dove
 '' Caught: June 2014 |
 '19th July - 12lb 8oz...' Caught: July 2014 | Dove
 'beasthunter boam ' Caught: July 2014 | Severn
 'My first double of t...' Caught: July 2014 | Dearne
 '7 lb Dearne Barbel' Caught: July 2014 |
 'trent barbel' Caught: July 2014 | Dove
 'beasthunter boam' Caught: July 2014 | Wye
 'Paul Monaghan' Caught: July 2014 | Severn
 'dave pearce' Caught: July 2014 |
 'Yorkshire double 11l...' Caught: June 2014 | Trent
 'Trent Barbel Notting...' Caught: July 2014 | Hampshire Avon
 'Hampshire middle Avo...' Caught: July 2014 | Hampshire Avon
 'Paul Fuller middle A...' Caught: July 2014 |
 'first big barbel of ...' Caught: July 2014 | Loddon
 'Mark Erdwin' Caught: June 2014 | Warks Avon
 'New pb of 14lb 12oz' Caught: July 2014 | Kennet
 'First Barbel this se...' Caught: July 2014 |