 '12lber' Caught: July 2012 | BFW Home Page Images
 'Red-Belly 11lb 12oz ...' Caught: January 2012 | Severn
 'Ryan Lippitt' Caught: July 2012 | Wharfe
 'Mark Holtby' Caught: July 2012 |
 'chris watson' Caught: July 2012 | Warks Avon
 '11.2 warwickshire av...' Caught: July 2012 | Goyt
 'goyt double 12lb 4oz' Caught: July 2012 | Warks Avon
 'Joe Chatterton, Warw...' Caught: January 2012 |
 'Jeffrey Brittain @ L...' Caught: June 2012 | BFW Home Page Images
 'red belly 11lb 12oz ' Caught: July 2012 | Wandle
 '9lb 6oz' Caught: July 2012 | Lea
 '7 LB+, Hertfordshire...' Caught: June 2011 |
 'Red Belly' Caught: July 2012 | Wye
 'wye barbel' Caught: January 2012 | Severn
 'Wednesday in the sun' Caught: July 2012 | Severn
 'Wednesday in the sun' Caught: July 2012 |
 'Tuesday in the rain' Caught: July 2012 | Dane
 'River Dane Barbel' Caught: July 2012 | Dane
 'River Dane Barbel' Caught: July 2012 | Wye
 'Daniel Collins with ...' Caught: June 2012 |